Topics: multimodal learning, mechanistic intepretability, deep learning, explainability, and biomedical applications of deep learning
Explainabile and Scalable Multi-modal Learning
Brown University, 2021 - Current
Advisors: Ritambhara Singh and Carsten Eickhoff
I am researching methods in attention-based deep learning to make multimodal algorithms more scalable and explainable.
Research at Cal Poly, Undergraduate
Student Researcher at Amazon Web Services (hosted by DxHub Cal Poly), 2019-2020
Advisor: Dr. Joyce Lin
I worked on image classification to automate the identification and geotagging of key road features such as pedestrian facilities, lanes, and traffic signals to substantially lower the diagnostic cost on a global scale.
Student Researcher at Cal Poly Statistics Department, 2019-2020
Advisor: Dr. Hunter Glanz
I developed and expanded R Shiny app for conducting exploratory bioacoustics analysis. In addition, I created a segmentation algorithm for sound files that distinguish between marine animal sounds and background noise.